Hi, and Welcome to Over the Rainbow, Through the Looking Glass. This is my personal site, where I post my fanfics, and fanart. So take a look around, enjoy, and I'd love to hear from you.





~*!!NEW LAYOUT!!*~


As you can see the site has another new look!! It's been a year since the last update, and we thought we'd just start with another new look.  We promise to do better at updating! LOL  About three months ago, Cathy got me hooked on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, so the site now has PR content (as evidenced by the Tommy Oliver layout).


In this update, you'll find lots of new graphics, and even a new PR drabble. I'm hard at work finishing up Please Don't Leave, don't worry it's going to be finished (and soon!). Once that fic is finished, Cathy and I are going to work on a new SPD fic, and I've got some other PR ideas in the works too. :)


So, check out the new graphics, and I'd love to hear what you think.


(NOTE FROM CATHY: Please let me know if you're having any trouble reading the text here. On my computer it's fine, but I know that that may not be the case for everyone, so I want to know if it's a real issue, so I can fix it.)